Founded in 2007, Makerfield are a a wholesale and online retailer of Living and Dementia Care aids, suppliers to the NHS, Care Homes and private individuals. Dementia Care Products have an extensive range of competitively priced, purpose designed products to improve the quality of life and prolong independence for people with dementia, whether in residential care, a nursing home, hospital or their own homes.
We offer high visibility signs to signpost all the most important locations so that residents in a care home or patients in a hospital can find their own way to the toilet and bathroom or identify their own bedroom without feelings of stress. Directional and personalised signs are also available. They can even benefit people in their own home as the place in which they have lived for many years can become unfamiliar with the onset of dementia. Memory loss is also a symptom of dementia and products are available to help overcome the problems that forgetfulness can cause, such as failing to take medication or missing out on medication.
We also offer activities, games and memory cards to stimulate the brain and help people to reconnect with their past.
Eating and drinking properly is also essential but eating habits can change with dementia, so purpose designed plates or cups in bold colours can reduce spillage and make mealtimes a more pleasurable experience.
Comfort, safety and personal dignity are key considerations for the bathroom and toilet which the right product aids can help to provide. The ability to take a bath or shower in comfort is essential to stay clean and should also be a pleasurable experience. A shower chair allows a resident to sit comfortably when they shower while bath mats and coloured grab rails reduce the risk of a slip or fall. Or if the person with dementia is afraid of water, then our range of water-free washing products could provide the answer. Going to the toilet is also a potential source of anxiety, but a wide range of support products now make the toilet more comfortable to use and help with continence management. Height adjustable toilet frames and raised toilet seats in high visibility red or blue are easier to see and offer extra comfort and support when sitting or standing.
Everybody wants to maintain an independent and active lifestyle for as long as possible, but personal care and household chores can prove difficult with dementia, so check out our many useful products to make coping with everyday life easier and safer too.